Jesus is Dead, and I'm Not Feeling That Good Myself
This just sucks. To say the very least.
While you watch the Republicans tear down sixty years of liberal progress in this country and turn our government into a quasi-fascist corporatist state, I thought you might want to think about WHY. WHY did America vote for these clods? It's not like last time, when Bush was totally inexperienced babbling idiot. This time he was a babbling idiot who, after four years of publicly fucking up every issue brought to his desk, seemed completely detached from reality. So...WHY?
Here's the answer. All anyone wants is to be on the winning side. Bush has always pushed one very simple message. That message is: America is #1, the greatest country on God's green earth, put here by divine providence, sent to lead, as it was, as it is, as it shall ever be. Fuck the rest of the world. Anyone challenges us, Bush says, and we'll kill them. People, especially religious people, love that message. We're number one and always will be--who wants to be on the other side of that argument? Even if history says it can't be true. Even if the guy spouting the message is making it worse. Who wants to call America a country in decline?
With Kerry, people knew he had courage, and they knew he was better for their pocketbook. Quite simply, the guy looked like he was going to say some things that might not make America feel good about itself. They would be true--we invaded a country and now we can't win or even get out easily, our economy is built on trillions in debt, Europe is overtaking us in technology breakthroughs--but they wouldn't be happy thoughts. Think about it--Kerry came home from an awful war and had the unbelievable stones to protest it all the way to the White House. He hunted and prosecuted corruption in the Reagan and Bush administrations. Always pointing out what's wrong, what's unjust. What a downer.
So it turns out that we want to live in W's fantasy instead of the world's reality. It's going to be a hell of a wake-up call.
While you watch the Republicans tear down sixty years of liberal progress in this country and turn our government into a quasi-fascist corporatist state, I thought you might want to think about WHY. WHY did America vote for these clods? It's not like last time, when Bush was totally inexperienced babbling idiot. This time he was a babbling idiot who, after four years of publicly fucking up every issue brought to his desk, seemed completely detached from reality. So...WHY?
Here's the answer. All anyone wants is to be on the winning side. Bush has always pushed one very simple message. That message is: America is #1, the greatest country on God's green earth, put here by divine providence, sent to lead, as it was, as it is, as it shall ever be. Fuck the rest of the world. Anyone challenges us, Bush says, and we'll kill them. People, especially religious people, love that message. We're number one and always will be--who wants to be on the other side of that argument? Even if history says it can't be true. Even if the guy spouting the message is making it worse. Who wants to call America a country in decline?
With Kerry, people knew he had courage, and they knew he was better for their pocketbook. Quite simply, the guy looked like he was going to say some things that might not make America feel good about itself. They would be true--we invaded a country and now we can't win or even get out easily, our economy is built on trillions in debt, Europe is overtaking us in technology breakthroughs--but they wouldn't be happy thoughts. Think about it--Kerry came home from an awful war and had the unbelievable stones to protest it all the way to the White House. He hunted and prosecuted corruption in the Reagan and Bush administrations. Always pointing out what's wrong, what's unjust. What a downer.
So it turns out that we want to live in W's fantasy instead of the world's reality. It's going to be a hell of a wake-up call.