Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Hold on....


Give me a minute...

Just one more second...

Nope. I still don't give a flying fuck about Paula Abdul.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Real Reform

Let's just start with this - we're not going to get health care reform. We're not getting the public option, we're not getting mandated plans subsidized with a surtax on the top 1%, we're not getting Intelligent Parking Assist or the Solar Charging A/C. It is not going to happen, even though what people claim they want sounds an awful lot like what they're not going to get.

Why is this? Sure, the Republican party (and half of the Democrats) are owned by insurance and drug companies. But if people cared enough to complain (or perhaps set a few places on fire), those pricks would be nothing more than a noisy speed bump. No, the reason we won't have health care reform is because it costs a lot. There's no getting around this. It's expensive, as worthwhile things occasionally will be, and the cost scares people.

If the US could transition completely to socialized medicine for $29.99 (This Sunday Only!), we'd have it tomorrow. Sean Hannity would be trampled to death by his own adoring fans on their way to visit a doctor for the first time in 10 years. Sadly, it does not cost $29.99.

However, since we're feeling so parsimonious all of a sudden, why don't we take a look at some of the things that Americans DID feel were worth spending their money on? Not the government, mind you. The American people.

- According to a recent radio advertisement, Barry Manilow has sold over 75 million records. 75 million. Let's assume that most of those records were sold in the 1970's. And let's assume they cost between 6 and 10 bucks apiece - we'll split the difference at $8.00. That is 600 million dollars spent to hear Barry Manilow sing. On purpose.

I know, you're busy retching right now. But wait - let's adjust that for inflation, assuming 1978 as the height of Manilow. It comes to 1.88 Billion Dollars. And that doesn't even include what he sold in concert tickets.

- Last year, America supported a $15 Billion Bottled Water industry. $15 Billion worth of a product which, despite the best efforts of the Bush-era EPA, flows from your tap with equal or better quality. And that's just the cost of the water. If you include the cost of the petroleum based bottles - creating, recycling, and disposing - well...let's just say that the overhead costs of our new health system are chump change by comparison.

- In 2007, Americans spent $12 Billion on Specialty Coffee. OK, no judgment. Can we all just agree that's WAY too much?

- $1 Billion on MMOs. Those are Massive Multiplayer Online games. World of Warcraft, basically. This country is spending a billion dollars every year to detach from the real world completely and fake walk around a fake world dressed like real idiots. And, back in the Massive Multiplayer game that is actual life, these people aren't getting any thinner.

- The 2008 elections cost the USA $5.3 Billion. To end up with...this. Frankly, I feel rooked.

This is not to say that nobody should buy Starbucks or bottled water or Barry Manilow records. (Well...) It is to say that our priorities suck.

Call your senator. Or burn something.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A New Deal

According to the Texas Transportation Institute, there are over 6 million drivers on LA County roads on any given day. That includes your commuters, your errand-runners, your commercial vehicles--the whole shmear.

This morning I had a chance to observe several hundred of them on my way to work and based on this representative sample, I can assure you that every single one of these drivers is talking on a fucking cell phone. Right this second. 100% of them, without exception.

No one is using a headset, because that would defeat the purpose of having to take at least one hand off the wheel. Or they're not using their hands at all--they have their tiny phone crammed into the smallest wedge they can possibly make between their chin and their shoulder. It's like having 6 million people out there playing Twister in a 30mph obstacle course.

And these are the good drivers. The rest are applying makeup without waiting for stop lights, or reading the newspaper, or smoking and tossing their butts out the window onto someone else's hood. Or some combination of all of these.

The bottom line is that as time goes on, I become more and more convinced that no one should be allowed to drive except me.

So, in that spirit, I hereby claim the roads of Los Angeles County as my own. They belong to me now. I've privatized them as part of a unique, reverse eminent domain. It's clear that the public cannot be trusted with this resource, so I'm taking it away from them until such time as they prove to me that they can use it wisely.

I know, I know. You're the exception. You don't do any of this stuff. You drive aggresively but attentively, you don't dawdle with open road in front of you, and you signal appropriately but not obsessively.

Good for you--you're welcome to send me your application to drive on my roads. I will evaluate each one on a case-by-case basis before handing out new licenses. I promise you that I will be strict, with no promise of being fair.

You'll notice a few changes to the driver's test. For example, the parallel parking test will be timed--with a gun to your head. You get fifteen seconds blocking a lane of traffic to park. That's it.

Also, you will be clocked to see how long it takes after the light in front of you turns green for you to put your foot on the accelerator. 1.5 seconds. Any more than that? Say hello to my little friend.

One last change--the maximum amount of time to make a left turn is now NOW. Any slower than NOW, you lose points. And your head.

This is just the test. Of course, many new traffic violations will also carry the death penalty, but those are still being worked out.

I understand that this may be a difficult adjustment for many of you, but you really brought it on yourselves by being such incredibly bad drivers. Plus, it's much better for the environment to have you off the streets. The air will be so much cleaner, and won't you appreciate that every morning when you walk to work?

Besides, I've made one important concession to all you new pedestrians--jaywalking is now completely, beautifully legal. Mandatory, in fact. Just watch out for that one driver left out there on the roads--he's a fucking maniac.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Must See TV

I know I don't post much these days, but you have got to see this.

Pistol Pete was unreal. I know, his father was the original Sports Dad and a lot of guys think he is only considered good because he was white. I don't care. Watch the video.

And just imagine if the video quality didn't suck...

Friday, February 23, 2007

We Have A New Winner... the World's Worst Way To Die Contest.

A 330 foot deep sinkhole in Guatemala City, caused by rains and a broken sewer main underneath a densely-populated neighborhood, sucked in a dozen houses and at least two people.

How do they know about the people? They were seen floating in a pool of raw sewage. Two people, probably just sitting at home, and then the earth literally opened up beneath their feet and drowned them in a 330 foot pit of human waste.


Not quite how I'd want to go, but that's just me.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Unique Moment

I just got a fortune cookie that told me:


Seems like great advice. Here's my first seizure.


This guy I know just loves to tell stories about his kids.

(That fact alone is usually enough to send me looking for somebody else to hang out with. I'm guessing you feel the same way, because nobody wants to hear how cute anyone else's kids are. We don't want to see pictures, hear about sick they were last night, or buy chocolate at a obscene markup for the school music program. It's not really our problem.

Of course, this is no secret to anyone who's ever read a week's worth of "Dilbert" or, you know, met another human being in their life, but apparently as soon as you have a kid you forget all of that. You forget how much you hated parents like you are now, and instead you tell anything that's stationary for more than three seconds the story of how Johnny pulled down his pants in the restaurant last Sunday.)

Anyway, this particular story is about his seven year old girl. I won't bore you with the details, but the gist is that it turns out she's a racist. She doesn't like brown or black people, she doesn't like being in a building with too many of them, and she's happy that she's white and not like them.

Just to remind years old.

Huh. Your first question is naturally, "What is he going to do about this?" And the answer is...nothing. Dad doesn't feel like he wants to "brainwash" the kid. He doesn't want to indoctrinate her. She's going to find her own way.

And now you're sick. You're sick because this is an extremely nice guy with no racism in his heart that you've ever seen, and you are watching him mentally kneecap his kid. He might as well take her in to be lobotomized--at least then she'd have a good excuse for being stupid. Instead, she's going to go through life in the most multi-cultural city of a society that is supposed to idealize equality and she's going to be mentally retarded. On purpose.

Now, as everyone knows, the ugly flip side of the "Parent-Who-Can't-Stop-Talking-About-Their-Kid" coin is the "Acquaintence-Who-Knows-How-To-Parent-Your-Kid." No parent is going to take your advice on child rearing as anything other than an insult. Especially when your advice IS an insult, which mine was.

So the world has one more racist. I've met her, and her father is right--she's REALLY cute.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Now That's More Like It

Pitchers and catchers are reporting. All is right with the world.

Or at least Ft. Myers, Florida.

OK, City of Palms Park.