Thursday, July 13, 2006


Speaking of fun things to do in LA, this weekend is the next LARF. That's L.A.R.F--the Los Angeles Race Fantastique. It's basically a localized Amazing Race, but better because instead of watching supposedly loving couples scream at each other, you get to do the screaming.

LARF was started by a couple of guys who you'll swear you recognize. They invited all of their friends to play--the whole thing is like a "That Guy" convention. (You know...I've seen that guy before, and that guy, etc.) Over sixty people played, so it is a true test of...nothing in particular.

Every Race has a theme--the one we did last year was "Memento," while this week's is "The DaVinci Code." It also has a start time. That's more or less all you need to know. Teams of four sprint from clue to clue (and sometimes from one end of town to the other) as quickly and quietly as possible--don't want to give anything away to the other teams.

The first half of the last race featured a lot of running from one nearby location to the other, then shifted into more of an auto chase (safety first, of course).

Our team came in third for "LARFmento". We should have come in second, but one clue at the Sherman Oaks Castle required us to find an internet station with a printer and we took too long finding one. Also, we got lost on the way to Franklin Canyon. (We also ran all over Santa Monica, Venice, Studio City, and Van Nuys. It's an all day thing.) Damn you, Thomas Guide with one missing page...

As for the prizes? Well, there are none. Not really. Third place gets you a little medal that you'll take an altogether inappropriate amount of pride in, second place gets you a different medal and half off the next LARF, and the winner? The winner gets a T-shirt. And a medal. And they get to LARF for free next time. It's not about monetary incentives--LARF hasn't gone all MLS on us yet. It's about the love of competition.

Want to join? One key is that you need at least one great runner, one great puzzler, one great wheel man, and one person who does all three pretty well. I was not the runner for our team. It also helps to have a friend who isn't doing anything on a Saturday and can stay close to an internet connection.

The other important thing is to want to win. Badly. But have fun. But want to crush the other teams. But take time to laugh. And kill.

My former teammate J had to put together a new squad for this one (I'm in RI and the other two had like a Fleetwood Mac breakup thing, so they're out), but the new guys are ruthless, relentless, and they have the most dangerous driver on the LA freeways. I have no doubt that they'll win. Or die in a flaming wreck on the 405. But hopefully win.

It's too late for YOU to run in this weekend's LARF, but sign up for their mailing list at this website and maybe when I get back, I'll be competing against you. And you're going down...