Monday, July 03, 2006

No Shit. Really?

Al-Zarqawi's Death Fails to Stop Bloodshed.

The truly amazing thing about stories like this is the surprise with which they are reported. Like any deviation of reality from the Bush Admistration line is reality's problem and not the other way around.

Wow, there's still an armed, organized resistance without Al-Zarqawi? Nobody could have seen that coming. Nobody, that is, except all the people who have been correctly predicting the disastrous outcome of this war since day one--none of whom are actually in charge of prosecuting it.

It's time to start reporting bad news in Iraq as the rule and not the exception. It's time to investigate the good news for Administration fingerprints. It's time to treat this war as the decided issue that it is--decided in the polls, decided in the cities of Iraq, decided in the graveyards and hospitals of America.

It's time to leave.