Thursday, July 27, 2006

My Life (R)

Normally, when you talk about a TV show being a rerun, you're talking about the content. In my case, though, I'm living in one.

It has not been unusual for me to be hired onto a show that has former co-workers on staff. That's the nature of freelancing--jobs are generally short-term and acquired through employers who have worked with you before. This show, though, has no fewer than five people on it from the staff of a previous gig, plus a couple of different people from yet ANOTHER one.

Coincidentally, the show that I know most of these folks from happens to be one that really sent me off the rails for a while a few years ago--helping to create the perfect storm of crap that resulted (among other things) in a 10ft x 3ft jigsaw puzzle that now hangs in my apartment's entryway.

By good fortune, none of my current colleagues were responsible for any of that. They're among the best at what they do from that program and nice people to boot. It's no small amount of gratitude that I feel for having had the opportunity to work with them again. But it is weird.

People remind you of things. So do places, songs, and smells, but only people actually go out of their way to do it verbally.

"Hey, remember that guy we worked with who we pressured into eating someone else's fatty cyst? That was funny."

"Hey, remember that time you got arrested over the 4th of July weekend and hauled yourself into work an hour after getting bailed out? That was funny."

"Hey, remember how you've been saying for ten years that you don't want to work on shows like this anymore? That's SO funny."

It's enough to make you make you want to work with new people once in a while.